Benefits Of Hiring A Child Support Lawyer

Benefits Of Hiring A Child Support Lawyer

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Are you trying to chase down your ex-spouse for child support? Or maybe you just endured the pain of a bitter divorce and are struggling to collect the monthly payment. In either case, you and your child do have rights and it’s time to exercise them to protect the future health and happiness of your child. If you think that fighting this battle without legal assistance is a good idea, you might want to think again.

Filing Paperwork Accurately

Child support is a payment required by the courts for the benefit of your child. As with all government agencies, there are a lot of rules, regulations, and forms to be filled out. A child support attorney will help to speed things along by filing the right piece of paper correctly the first time and avoid delays due to a missing checkmark or misspelled word.

Do You Know All the Rules?

You are not an expert in family law, but your lawyer is. They can help you prevent your ex-spouse from using a loophole to avoid paying by stopping up the loophole in the first place. Don’t lose monthly payments because you missed a filing deadline or an unknown court appointment. Your lawyer is your advocate and can help stay on top of all the confusing details.

Rapid Response When They Skip Out 

One tactic used by some individuals who skip out on child support is switching jobs and addresses. It takes time to file to garnish wages with every change. Your attorney has the time needed to respond quickly, protecting your child’s monthly income.

Check with your local legal aid office for a list of active and licensed child support attorneys in your area. This one step can ensure that your family will experience less uncertainty while you work to keep your children fed, clothed, and maintain a good roof over their heads.

If you’re in need of a child support lawyer or an Okemos family law attorney, contact the team at Bailey Smith & Bailey today.

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