Getting through a difficult divorce can be a challenge. Michigan parents who are struggling over a child custody arrangement are often highly emotional and easily provoked to anger. This can make the divorce and custody process even more difficult; it can also lead to negative effects for the children at the center of the struggle. Effective parenting during a child custody struggle is central to preserving the health and well-being of shared children.
One aspect of good parenting involves taking a proactive stance when it comes to decision making. This means taking the time to fully assess a situation before making a decision. It also means understanding the consequences of a decision before moving forward, which can help avoid many parenting mistakes.
This approach is the opposite of reactive parenting, in which parents make decisions from a defensive stance. Reactive choices often fail to take into account the full details of any given scenario, and can easily lead to negative consequences for all involved. Even worse, reactive parenting often puts others on the defensive as well, which can load to a spiral of negative choices on the part of parents and kids.
Parenting is difficult, even when a family is happy and intact. Once divorce and child custody comes into play, effective parenting is an even more difficult goal to achieve. Michigan parents who are going through the transition from one household into two should make every effort to work together to ensure that their parenting approach is one that serves the best interests of all involved, especially the children at the center of the matter.
Source: Huffington Post, After Divorce: The Value of Proactive vs. Reactive Parenting, Rosalind Sedacca, Oct. 1, 2013