Michigan Divorce: Property Division And The Family Pet

Michigan Divorce: Property Division And The Family Pet

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Conflict is part and parcel of many Michigan divorces. The parties are typically trying to divide their marital property, and both individuals are naturally looking to protect their own interests. Fighting over the martial home, bank accounts or even the children is all too common during a divorce proceeding. However, many people don’t realize that the family pet is yet another point of potential disagreement for married couples who are at odds about property division issues.

About 63 percent of households in the United States include pets, and most of them are dogs. In today’s society, parents are having fewer children. Pets are becoming even more a part of the family, being viewed as extra kids and companions. This is why the number of custody battles over pets is increasing.

A Michigan judge may be asked to determine which spouse can keep the pet and whether the other party will be allowed to visit with the pet once a divorce is final. Determining which person ends up with the pet, which is considered personal property under the law, is based on who brought it into the marriage, who spends more time with it and who cares for it. If the parties have minor children, a court may decide to award the pet to the parent with whom the children will be living most of the time. Some divorcing individuals actually fight over pets in an effort to control their estranged spouses.

Saying goodbye to a spouse can be an emotional ordeal. However, fighting over the family pet, with the fear of having to say goodbye to little Rufus, can be just as difficult for many. Those parties that are able to address these property division issues directly may find that any compromise struck is preferable to leaving the decision up to a judge.

Source: The Huffington Post, Who Gets The Pets In A Divorce? What You Need To Consider When Fighting Over Fido, Maria Moya, Jan. 19, 2014

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