Military Divorce Attorney in Michigan

Military Divorce Lawyers Near You.

Whether you are in the military or are married to an Armed Forces member, getting a divorce can present unique legal challenges. Our military divorce lawyers have the state, federal and military law knowledge and experience you need to help guide you through a difficult time.

Divorce and Military Personnel Stationed Out of State

Obtaining a divorce when one spouse is serving in the military can be a difficult process. Because of their government status, military personnel receive special legal protections, including where they may file for divorce: nonmilitary spouses can only file in the state where they live, while military members may file in the same state, their original home state or the state where they are actively stationed.

Military divorce proceedings can experience significant delays due to a spouse’s out-of-state or out-of-country military service. There are often delays in child custody proceedings, as modifications to an existing custodial arrangement cannot be made when a spouse is deployed. At Bailey & Terranova, we understand the unique issues faced by military couples and are capable of handling even the most complex cases.

We Can Address Any and All Concerns

Regardless of your current marital status, our skilled Military & Out-of-the-State Divorce lawyers can help you address your concerns regarding:

  • Service members Civil Relief Act (SMCRA) regarding divorce proceeding default
  • Dividing pay, benefits and other property division issues Spousal benefits limits
  • Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFSPA) Domestic violence Paternity

American Divorce Association for Military Men in Michigan

You have Difficult Questions—We Have Answers

As a member of the military, is it better to resolve a divorce as soon as possible or wait for a larger share of military retirement pay to increase? As a nonmilitary spouse, is it better to push for an end to the marriage immediately and lose certain benefits now, or let the process drag on for a larger share of marital property later? Are investment and retirement funds handled differently for military divorces?

Our comprehensive knowledge of Michigan divorce law and how it relates to federal protections for military spouses helps our clients fully understand their options. We will always provide you with the information you need to make informed legal decisions.