Parenting Time Lawyer in Michigan

In most divorces, the issues of child custody, visitation and parenting time are among the foremost concerns of parents.

Understandably, a parent wants to spend as much time as possible with their children and remain a constant presence in their lives. Parenting plans ensure that children continue to have strong and consistent relationships with both parents despite the end of the marriage.

At the law office of Bailey & Terranova, we are committed to helping our clients understand the legal implications of their custody and parenting time plans. Our attorneys educate clients on their rights and help them make informed decisions about which legal options will best protect their future with their children. Our firm understands Michigan family law, the court system, and how to effectively address any child custody or parenting plan issues moving forward. Our parenting time attorneys help establish sound parenting plans and always take care to manage the following topics:

  • Holidays and birthdays
  • Summers and school breaks
  • Disabled parents or special needs children
  • Domicile change or out-of-state relocation

As families change, parenting time arrangements may require adjustment to reflect the evolving needs of both parents and children. For example, a parent once living farther way may move closer and, by doing so, impact visiting time frames and possible child support expenses. We provide dedicated assistance with all post-judgment issues.

Help Enforcing Custody and Visitation Arrangements

If one parent refuses to release a child for parenting time or care for them as defined in the divorce decree, immediate legal action is required to protect the best interests of the child and the rights of the compliant parent. Fathers are commonly victimized in these types of situations and mistakenly believe that writing letters to the court will help. Many times, an immediate request to the court to hold the non-compliant spouse in contempt is the best alternative. As members of the American Divorce Association for Men (ADAM), we protect the rights of fathers and can help them aggressively enforce child custody and parenting time orders. Please note, recent changes in Michigan law regarding child support payment calculations have made the issue of visitation/parenting plans a potentially major dispute among divorcing couples. We will explain these changes and how they apply to your situation.

American Divorce Association for Men - Parenting Time & Visitation Arrangements in Michigan

Like many families around the country, Michigan families are now more mobile than ever. Relocations for better employment or due to remarriage have become commonplace. However, a custodial parent may not move children more than 100 miles within the state or relocate out of state without first receiving permission from the court. Any failure to do so can result in serious consequences, including a negative impact on existing child custody and parenting plans. When considering any relocation, a parent should strongly contemplate retaining the services of a skilled and knowledgeable attorney. For experienced legal assistance with relocations and domicile changes, trust your concerns to the lawyers at Bailey & Terranova. We offer clients throughout Central Michigan over 60 years of combined experience in sensitive family law matters. Contact us to discuss your move-away / relocation issues with a dedicated custody and residency changes attorney.

Child Custody Affecting Your Relocation Options

The best interests of the child drive court decisions regarding requests for changes in residency. In general, a custodial parent cannot move more than 100 miles away from the non-custodial spouse or out of state without first obtaining court permission.

If the move will jeopardize the relationship of either parent with the child, the court is likely to deny the relocation. When seeking a post-judgment modification involving changes to the child’s living arrangements, our firm will take the time to explain and address all of the important issues, including:

  • How residency changes impact child custody
  • Military-related concerns
  • Remarriages and moves out of state
  • Domicile changes under the “100 mile rule” / Relocation in Michigan<

Whether you should file for a change of custody or simply modify your existing parenting time depends on the specifics of the divorce agreement and your individual relocation needs. Don’t put your rights and the best interests of your child at risk. Our attentive lawyers will help you understand your rights and obligations under the law.